Saturday, October 31, 2009

La Toussaint

Tomb decor compliments of metropoleparis

Starting November 1st the French celebrate La Toussaint. It's a two day festival in which they remember the Catholic saints on All Saints Day and pray for souls of the dead on All Souls Day. Fantasmagorique, non?

Thursday, October 29, 2009


Speaking of Halloween...
These are Carambar candy. They're some kind of caramel in a stick form that also come in other flavors like bubble gum and fruit. When I told my kids I was going to France, my one son with a mighty sweet tooth promptly asked if I could bring some of these back for him. A girl in his class had brought in a big bag of them to share, so we had to email the mom and ask the name of the mysterious candy he had to have. They seem to be wildly popular! Proven by the pop-style painting above done by this French artist who does lots of cute paintings.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pére Lachaise

I borrowed these images from The Cherry Blossom Girl. Please, please, please! Go to her blog to see the rest of the photographs from The Pére Lachaise Cemetary. Breathtaking. The cemetery is an absolute must see in my book. I have been there before and it's just something you can't describe with words. "Spooky-beautiful" is the best I can do but I think these images say it better. Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Beau Printemps

I think Paris in April is perfect but make sure you bring a good coat because it can be little chilly (in a good way). The air is cool and crisp, beautiful spring flowers bloom every where in the gardens and trees. Looking at my journal I noticed that these photographs were taken on our trip to Paris April 10, 2008. This next trip will be two years later almost to the day! It makes me happy to think about it.

Trees around the Notre Dame create an outrageus pink canopy. Oh la la!

We spent a few minutes in this quiet little garden in the Latin Quarter.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It's Delightful, It's Delicious, It's De-lovely...

Photo by FrenchRevolution

It's Champagne Violette, and it made me swoon when I saw it--love at

first sight! Champagne with violet liqueur and a blackberry. Yes, violet

liqueur...could there be anything more charming? I didn't think so, so

I went on a search. Turns out the bottles are as beautiful as the drinks...

Creme de Violette was a common ingredient in many cocktails in the early part of the 20th century, during which Cole Porter lived in Paris and also wrote many of his hit songs, including "It's De-Lovely."

The violet is the emblem of Toulouse
Photo and information here

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

La Maison Rose

2 rue de l'Abreuvoir, Montmartre

Yes, it really is this beautiful. Nick and I came across this pretty pink place by accident last summer when we spent a day in Montmartre.

Rue l'Abreuvoir looks like a story book street.

I found this amazing photograph of the same little house taken by French Photographer Eugene Atget in 1910. Oh how I love this place.

Herbes de Provence?

The other morning I stopped by my community garden plot and snipped these fresh herbs. I stuck them right in my coffee cup! Here they sit on my kitchen bay window where I keep some special things. One of which is a petit baking dish from Paris that my friend, Lisa, brought me for my birthday. See the little Tour Eiffel card?
The herbs are rosemary, lavendar, thyme, sage, basil and tarragon. According to some recipes this would be considered an Herbes de Provence mix, but the recipes seem to be as varied as the herbs themselves! Would the real Herbes de Provence please stand up?

Perfectly French

So perfectly French. Nick and I happened by this little shop in the Latin Quarter while exploring the area around our apartment. Visuals like this are one of the many things I love about Paris.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Explore Dream Discover

Twenty years from now we will be more
disappointed by the things we didn't do
rather than the ones we did.
So throw off the bowlines.
Sail away from the safe harbour.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover.
Mark Twain

Vivre le rêve my dear friend.

Photo via Agatha Latzensprung
Post inspired by French Country Antiques

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Les Puces

The flea market at Clignancourt, also know as Les Puces. Vintage shopping heaven. Oh yes....we WILL be there.


Paris has many unusual shops, but one of the most unusual has to be Deyrolle, a 170-year old establishment on rue du Bac, not far from the Musee d'Orsay on the Left Bank. The ground floor looks like an ordinary home and garden shop but the upstairs is crammed with stuffed animals of all shapes, sizes, and poses, as well as ancient wooden cases full of insects, shells, botanical prints and a variety of curiosities.
As a lover of the strange and bizarre, this is a must see!

Friday, October 16, 2009

La Cave de l'Os a Moelle

It was only a few months ago in June that I learned of La Cave de l'Os a Moelle from Kerry Saretsky at French Revolution and, oh, how I wished I could go! I imagined an evening like that, savoring each word I read about her experience. And now, as if in a dream, I'll be going...vivre le rêve, indeed!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Les Bouquinistes

Antique French books look beautiful on a shelf and are lovely reminders of a visit to Paris. They have a wonderful musty smell from being kept in the vendors' green metal boxes along the river. Used-book sellers have lined the banks of the the Seine around Notre-Dame since the mid-1500s.

Tea and a treat

I've never been to Laduree before but I think it is a "must" for our best friends go to Paris adventure. Is this what you had in mind my dear?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mashed Potatoes

Even mashed pototoes are fancy in Paris.